What We Believe

Shared Mental Models

Simplify the complex into understandable and organizable chunks

Shape the connections and opportunities we see

Why should you care

The quality of our thinking is proportional to the models in our head and their usefulness in the situation at hand.

Teams utilizing shared mental models have more efficient communication during high-workload conditions and improved coordinated team performance.


Our mission is to help organizations achieve their growth goals by simplifying strategic planning and equipping them with the necessary tools to foster high trust in a team united in pursuit of a common vision.


  • Transparency

  • Accountability

  • Collaboration

  • High Trust

Mark McCorkle

With 20+ years of filling product and technology leadership roles, I’ve witnessed the critical importance of organizations having a well-defined strategy that aligns with their mission and values. I’ve encountered the challenge of bringing teams together - from contributors to the C-suite - to cohesively work towards the execution of a strategic plan.

Inflection Point provides the tools your organization needs to define your strategy, align all your teams, and have a clear view of the progress of your strategic initiatives.